
Reproductive Rights

I will always stand up for women, our right to control our own bodies, and our right to decide if, when, and how to start or grow a family without government interference. Politicians don’t belong in our doctor’s offices or bedrooms.


Healthcare reform is one of the major reasons why I am running. Through my practice as a Physician Assistant, I have witnessed firsthand how high costs and lack of healthcare access can be harmful to my patients. I will fight to lower the cost of healthcare by lowering prescription drug prices, relieving medical debt, lowering the cost of health insurance premiums, and expanding benefits for adults and children with disabilities.

Public Education

Public education is predominately funding by property taxes despite our state having a $14 billion budget surplus. Instead of relying on exorbitant property taxes, we need to fully fund public education by utilizing our budget surplus.

Preserving Open Spaces & Farmlands

Our open space & farmlands are integral to the Lehigh Valley. Over the past few years, we have had the issue of overdevelopment with the proliferation of warehouses. We need to ensure that all development that does occur makes sense and won’t cause any damage to our environment. I pledge to promote smart growth and development in the Lehigh Valley while preserving farmlands and open spaces